Q.Getting rid of a fern pest
I have a fern that is similar to a Crows Nest; however, the leaves do not curl. They are very dark green and throw a “I will say flower” long stem that appears to have brown spores. Best I can describe it. A pest is eating the foliage. I have tried just about everything on the market, still something is attacking this plant. Would you please advise what I can do to eradicate this pest? Every night I wrap a light weight lace curtain over the plant, and if for some reason I forget, well this beastly bug has a good dinner.
Many thanks
Mrs K Kemp P
S I cannot show you a photo, I am not computer literate. KK
This could be slugs or snails, if you are not able to see the pests. Slugs come in the night and can devour plants.
Here is a link with more information.
If it is another type of pest, Neem Oil is a good treatment.
Neem Oil is safe for people, pets and bees.