Q.getting pole butterbeans to bloom
For 2 years now I have had almost perfect vines and a few blooms while in prior years blooms always came. Do I need to amend the soil or treat vines in some way? We’ve had severe droughts for the past several years but I water deeply every other day and still get no results. The garden has been in the same spot for 11 years, is annually amended with mulched leaves and grass and is a dark, rich color. At least 6 hours of sunlight occurs daily, but the hotter part of the day is usually shaded from nearby trees. My only soil sample of several years ago showed excess N and P, and I want to think hardwood leaves supply enough micronutrients. I also lime and side dress with cow manure yet get poor bloom results. What am I missing?

All green vines and few blossoms could indicate to much nitrogen.
This may be time to have another soil test.
Here is an article about correcting your nitrogen levels.