Q.Getting My Lilac to Grow
I planted several lilac root cuttings that were sent to me. They have been in the ground for years. They are only about a foot tall. What am I doing wrong? I adore lilacs. I just want to see them grow up a bit. They get some sun, but being in Texas, I fear the heat may be too much for them. I do not add fertilizer to them but do spray for pests when I see them. If I need to move them, what is the best way to do this? Please help me do the best thing for them. My mom had them sent to me, and I do not want to lose them.
Where does your mom live? The traditional lilacs that most of us know in the North do not do well in Texas. I had one at this house when we moved in that was twelve feet tall and produced two flowers a season. I dug it up. They like a cold winter and cooler weather. A type of lilac called "French" does better here but can be hard to find. Here is a link for East Texas - you may find it helpful.