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Broad Leaf Hydrangea

Q.Getting Hydrangeas to flower early

Zone Suffolk/Cambs border | Anonymous added on May 12, 2016 | Answered

I have bought a number of hydrangea (Macrophylla) pot plants to potentially use as table centerpieces for a wedding in mid July. They are looking healthy and have flower buds starting to show. As July would be early for hydrangeas to flower, would I be able to force an earlier flowering by moving them into a greenhouse? If so, when would be a good time? Thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 14, 2016

According to my research, you can cajole blooming by stabbing the roots of the hydrangea and by warming the plants as you proposed.
For more information on the care of hydrangeas, please visit the following link:

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