Q.Germinating Tea Seeds
Hi, How are you? Hope youre all staying safe from the virus and other things?! You’ve got an article by Amy Grant on germinating Tea Seeds (Camelia Siniensis). Would it be possible to get some advice from her or others on germinating them please. The problem I’m having is ive soaked them in water for 24/48 hours and the majority have sunk. And then I’ve left them all in a wet paper towel now for well over a month, yet none have cracked open. Any ideas what to do to get them growing please? Take Care, Stay Safe, Kind Regards, Oliver 🙂

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
If none have cracked, then all seeds are not viable. Cracking will signify that there is action from within the seed, and cellular growth is happening.
It is very important to use fresh seeds. The longer that they dry before treatment, the more likely the seeds have died.
Once you do find seeds that will crack, warmth (over 70 degrees), and humidity will be key. Wet is bad. Dry is bad. Moist is what you will be aiming for during germination.
I think the problem will be, largely, solved with fresh seeds. Just make sure that they are mature, fully.

Hi BushDoctor, Thanks for the reply. Have you had personal experience, or do you know how long they should take to crack open? Kind Regards