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Gerbera Daisy Plants

Q.Gerber Daisy

Zone South Fork, CO zone 5 | rebounds added on May 11, 2017 | Answered

I have had this daisy for many years. 3 years ago I discovered small green bugs on the underside of the leaves and on all the blooms. I did some research and bought some neem oil which I applied to the infected area, later that summer I planted it outside. When I brought it in I planted it in fresh soil, at that time there was no bugs. The following year by spring time the bugs reappeared even watering it with the neem oil solution. I planted it again outside diving the plant. This year there is still the little green bugs. What can I do besides just throwing it away.
Rebecca Bounds

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 15, 2017

Aphids, Leafminers, Mites, Whiteflies and Thrips are commonly found on Gerbera Daisy.
Beneficial insects can help with problem pests. Neem Oil is a good treatment and you can use throughout the growing season to control pests.


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