Purchased new Geranium plants for pots and although there were two blooms on each, after I transplanted them in pots , in the sun, I got just green growth for long time and when they finally bloom they are leggy and only a few of the buds come out on each stem. Rather not cut them all back now, is there anything else I can do? I have fertilized them twice this season.
Thank you for any information Elizabeth J. Morgan
PS Happened to all colors and kinds.

Good drainage is essential to geraniums so choose containers with adequate drainage holes. If your geraniums are already in pots, spread organic compost lightly on the soil surface and work in, taking care not to dig up the plant's roots.
Feed your geraniums every two weeks with a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 or 20-20-20. Buy fertilizer that dissolves in water for easier application.
Every third watering, add Epsom salts - magnesium sulfate - to the plant water - 1 teaspoon per 1 gallon - to provide magnesium. Or, add a slow-release fertilizer to the soil mix when you plant the geraniums in the pot - it feeds them all season.