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Zone Shinglehouse, PA | Anonymous added on October 25, 2017 | Answered

I have 3 Gaura plants that I love. I planted them this past spring. I read that they may not be winter hardy in my 5b zone. I will cover them with straw for the winter. My question is, should I cut them down prior to covering them? Also, when is a good time to cover them?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 25, 2017

Gaura is one of those perennials that isn't long-lived so it is best to let them go to seed at the end of the season. My gaura have made it through zone 5 winters without any special care. You may have a special cultivar that is less hardy; I don't know. Cut the stems down all the way; the plant sends up new ones next year. The leaves may be left intact. Mulch with a mixture of chopped/shredded leaves and wood mulch. Snow is a great insulator for plants so you can always pile it over the gaura but remove excess snow when spring melt starts.

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