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Gerbera Daisy Plants


Zone UK | Ryan3449 added on July 20, 2015 | Answered

I bought an indoor plant which was unidentified and I thought was a Garvinea. As they are meant to be super hardy and developed in Netherlands for outdoors, I planted it straight outside into some peat reduced mixture. Within 4 days all the leaves have fallen off. It’s warm here in summer. It doesn’t seem to have adapted too well. Could I have bought something else?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 20, 2015

It appears that this pot is to large for your plant.
Generally a blooming potted plant is quite happy in it's original pot while it is blooming. After blooming if it appears root bound you could repot but only go up 1 size in pots.
Also watering in pots during the warm summer temperatures is very important. You may need to water twice a day if the temperatures are over 85 degrees.


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