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Garlic Plants

Q.Garlic not doing well

Zone Mesquite, Nevada 89027 | Anonymous added on July 30, 2020 | Answered

I’ve been growing garlic in Western Washington for many years and with great success. This year we moved to Mesquite, NV. I planted later than usual, on Dec. 15, in a raised bed. They started sprouting as new plants after about a month. They’ve been watered regularity. My problem is they never sprouted their seed stems and the leaves are brown and dying. I’ve pulled up a few and they all appear to have not separated into cloves and they look more like onions bulbs. Any advice for this coming year new plantings? Also, would I be able to replant the single bulbs (and have them split into the cloves) since I don’t have the single cloves from this crop?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 2, 2020

Garlic requires at least 30 nights of the temperature being under 50 degrees F for the cloves to separate properly. You may need to look into other varieties that tolerate the Nevada heat better.

This article has some suggestions:


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