Q.Gardening topic
Straw bale gardening: 1st year and am still conditioning bales. I now have a small lawn of weed seedlings growing on top with all the nitrogen and water added! The’re starting to heat up….can I expect the impending heat to FRY those unwanted seedlings?? They were quite easy to pull out the first couple of days, but not so much now, as it is a mat’o grass! Help! I did not intend to use plastic to help them heat up as I live in the Atlanta area and it is already heating up outside…..maybe black plastic for greenhouse effect will fry them?? Thank you!!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
If you have that many grass seedlings growing, you may have a hay bale instead of a straw bale- hay is harvested after it's gone to seed, so it can create a difficult weed problem. But, you can probably kill the weeds by solarizing them with plastic sheets, as you've suggested:
The heat of the bales should kill some of them too.