Q.Gardening Equipment
My name is Lauren McGinley and I am a student at City of Glasgow college studying product design. I am doing a project which is to design a trowel that can be comfortably used by a wheel chair user as well as everyone else. If you could answer any questions for me it would be greatly appreciated.
1. What materials are your trowels made from? How well do they work and how long have they lasted?
2. What do you use your trowel for? How often is it used?
3. Is the handle size comfortable, is the material soft to touch?
4. Is the weight appropriate?
5. How do you feel using it after a long time? Does it cause you any discomforts?
6. Do you know anyone with a wheelchair that has had any struggles to use a trowel? If so what were these struggles?
Thank you for taking the time to read this and any information you could provide would be greatly appreciated and would really benefit my project.
Thank you
Lauren McGinley
These are some great questions, that may be best answered by a Occupational Therapist or Physical Therapist.
These articles may be of some help for your research!