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Gardenia Plants


Zone 29909 | Mischief100 added on May 2, 2016 | Answered

I live in Zone 8, Bluffton, SC. I inherited two quite large gardenia bushes, now about 6′ across by 7′ tall. They are 17 yrs old. Between the two bushes are two azaleas, also quite large. The gardenias bloom profusely and are gorgeous. Each late winter, I have added 10-10-10 around them, as I do most of my trees and large bushes. This winter, I tried Milorganite. The one bush has always had a “side” that’s got a lot of yellow leaves. Both bushes this year have yellow leaves scattered all over them. One I picked was all green down one side of the leaf and yellow down the other side of the leaf’s centerline. Both bushes have lots of new growth.

What can I do to get rid of the yellow leaves? We are 1/2 inch ahead of rain this year, we have a sprinkler system. The bushes get watered when we water our lawn, just as needed if we go 7-10 days without rain.

Any ideas much appreciated.

Carol K.

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Answered on May 3, 2016
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