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Gardenia Plants

Q.Gardenia Insects on Blooms

Anonymous added on May 19, 2011 | Answered

I live in Longview, TX (east TX) and have two gardenias in the backyard (about 7 years old) that have begun to bloom for the season. However, this year the blooms are significantly smaller and brownish around the petal edges . . . and the blooms are loaded with some type of very small, white/cream colored insect. They’re kind of rice-shaped, but very small. Any idea of what they might be and what to use to get rid of them? I haven’t noticed them on the leaves or stems, just the petals.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 20, 2011

They could be several bugs, though I am leaning towards thrips as they are only on the blossom. All the bugs it could be are susceptible to an organic insecticide called neem oil. These articles will help:

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