I am wondering how to gently transition my outdoor potted gardenia to the indoors for the winter, as I heard they do not as a rule like any temp below 50 degrees. She has been on my north-facing porch, and seems to be doing well (no blooms, but as long as she is healthy otherwise, I don’t mind) But indoors is different, outside she caught the morning and afternoon sun, indoors I have no place like that available for her and am worried she will be unhappy and unhealthy. Plus, I feel bad, because I did not know they needed to be fed so often. Any way to correct? Thanx! (:
P. S. I have one south-facing and one west facing window, if that helps with an answer.

Good questions all. Acclimating your plant gradually to the changed light she'll receive is the first step: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/hpgen/acclimate-plants-indoors-winter.htm
Give your gardenia a spot with as much light as possible - sounds like the south window should be it. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/gardenia/growing-gardenias-indoors.htm
If you're worried that the light from the window is not sufficient, you can add supplemental light: