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Gardenia Plants


Zone Tillsonburg ont. | Anonymous added on July 27, 2017 | Answered

I have a Gardenia bush I purchase in the spring. It has bloomed and sent out new shoots and now it has beautiful bud just ready to burst (6 large buds).my plant problem is that it leave are turning yellow and falling off. I have it in a pot, it gets morning sun and late afternoon shade.I have been feeding It once a month with Plant Prod fertilizer 15-30-15 .Can you help my plant from loosing it beautiful green shiny leaves.Oh by the way I live in the London Ont.area. Thank you for taking my Question .

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 28, 2017

Gardenia plants are quite finicky!

This article will help you, though it can be a bit difficult to make the adjustments.


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