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Q.garden nutrients

Zone 6 | lperr added on January 23, 2017 | Answered

Where is a good place to order garden additives to enrich the soil? Places are so high and the shipping is very high. thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 23, 2017

Local garden centers, greenhouses, home improvement stores and big box stores all stock garden necessities.
Ordering specifics can be quite easy by just using Google to search for specifics.
Local companies may have better pricing and offer delivery, as soil amendments can weigh a bit.

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Answered on January 23, 2017

Not sure where you are? I am in Ontario, Canada and I really like using Worm Gold Plus natural fertilizer made from worm castings and rock dust and sold via the Internet by T&T Seeds at: http://www.ttseeds.com/PHP/home.php?pg=52

I think it really helps me to grow beautiful, healthy plants. I especially like it for growing my vegetables and herbs.

Perhaps you can also buy this product from somebody else like via Amazon. It lasts for a very long time since only very little is needed to fertilize the plants. I think it is worth the expense if you would like to grow healthy, organic plants.

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