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Q.Garden Begonia Leaves Are Drying Up And Plants Are Weak – Why?

Zone Alexandria, VA 22310 | Jeff B added on May 20, 2021 | Answered

On May 1 I planted several begonias in my flower beds (green leaf with red, white, pink flowers). Since then most have struggled – leaves are drying up around the edges, flowers are weak. I have had to cut several back. It has been dry, but soil is adequately watered. I can’t tell if this is too much water, too little, or a plant disease. Pictures attached. Appreciate any help you can provide. Apologize if this is duplicate. I tried to submit previously but got an error message.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 21, 2021

It does appear to be an infection from wet soils. Make sure that they get adequate shade, as well. They will be sensitive to full sun, all day.

Here are some articles that will help:



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