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Raised Garden Beds

Q.Garden Beds

Zone 32712-3511 | Cissy Rogers added on August 25, 2020 | Answered

I have two raised beds, filled with miracle grow garden soil. These are the beds. My problem, nothing grows! I live in zone 9, Apopka, Fl 32712 See attachments Thank you for your time. Cissy Rogers

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 26, 2020

You will find quite a few issues with using that soil choice with garden beds. If the ground beneath it is not tilled up, then the soil is not deep enough, as well.

You will want your beds to be, at least, 12 inches deep with soil to provide proper growth. This soil is best as a mixture of compost, and topsoil, or bagged garden soil. You don't want a bunch of extra nitrogen in the soil, since the compost will have more than enough nutrients.

Here are some articles to help you with raised beds, and the soil that it should contain:






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