Q.Gala Apple Tree
My Gala apple tree is 3 years old and has developed 2 prom elm areas over the winter. The first area the bark has come off but there is new bark underneath. The second area (photo) is a deep crater but I cannot see any new bark underneath. What do you advice please?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This is a severe bacterial infection. The area likely remains far too wet to support the tree's growth, but makes the perfect environment for bacteria.
In this case the tree is, very quickly, on its way out. This is unfortunate. What you can do is remove the tree, completely, then treat the area with fungicides. Make sure this area gets the chance to dry out, thoroughly, so that the bacteria will have a harder time multiplying. This article will help you with fungicide use:
Once the area has been treated, it will be time to solarize the soil. This article will help:
This article will giv eyou more information on the care of Apple trees: