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Fuchsia Plants

Q.Fuchsia Diseases

Zone 9 or 10 | pudgycat added on August 26, 2011 | Answered

My fuchsias, I have about 40 plants, are slowly dying. I cut them back and now their growth is stunted. I’ve lost 2 and I really hope I don’t lose any more. I feed them Osmocote and treat them with Bayer mite contol when they have the gall mite.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 29, 2011

If their growth is stunted after being cut back, I would look at the roots for the issue. It could be a fungal form of root rot, which has spread to all the plants or it may be that you have a pest attacking the roots. Treating the soil with a fungicide can't hurt, but if you can find out what is getting at the roots, then you will be better able to treat the issue.

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