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Crabapple Trees

Q.Further to my previous question: what tree is this

Zone 6 | Cheyenne added on October 18, 2013 | Answered

The tree in my backyard has pink flowers in the spring (around April/May), small little bunches of tiny petals, the leaves are small and oval in shape and the red berries (in the fall – September to November) are in bunches of two to four. What type of tree is this?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 18, 2013

Cheyenne, if the tree is crabapple, the apples are not poisonous...very sour (tart), but not poisonous.

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Answered on October 18, 2013

My guess would be a crabapple. Without size information and/or pictures, it's strictly a guess. Hopefully, this article will help: https://extension.colostate.edu/pubs/garden/07424.html

If it doesn't help, consider taking leaf samples and berry samples to your local agricultural extension office for identification.

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