Q.fungi and red tip photinia
I live in southwest MO and recently planted 8 red tips as part of a large garden. I found out that there is a fungal pathogen which kills these plants. Is there a prophylactic anti fungal that can be used to combat this disease? Any other hints which will be necessary for the health of these plants?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Photinia is very susceptible to the fungus leaf spot, called Entomosporium, that can defoliate photinia plants. Plant photinias in full sun and provide good air circulation. Remove and destroy fallen leaves, and prune off diseased twigs. Avoid overhead irrigation. Fungicide sprays (copper-based products or neem oil) are also generally necessary for this disease, beginning from bud break and applied every ten to fourteen days until all foliage has matured. Mature foliage is no longer susceptible to infection.