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Q.Fungal infection of Andorra compact junipers

Zone Central Ohio, near Columbus. | Anonymous added on September 2, 2016 | Answered

Four years ago I planted 35 Andorra compact junipers alongside a 100-foot trench that I had built to convey water from my backyard to a catch basin. The junipers have thrived, some reaching 4 ft high and 6 ft wide. Due to erosion, the junipers have started to fall into the trench, so I trimmed the center branches thinking that this would help re-balance them. Meanwhile, 50 feet away my tomato garden has been increasingly infected by fungus, probably late blight, and this year I got almost nothing from 50 plants before they died. Now, about 2 weeks after I trimmed the junipers, I have noticed for the first time that all of them are turning brown from the ground up. I read in your article that fungus enters junipers from the edges of cut branches. That means I introduced it. What do I do now?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 4, 2016

This link will help you determine the disease your plants are suffering and how to treat.


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