Q.Full Sun/Partial Sun Perennials
I recently decided to do some planting on the side of my house. I asked someone at the local garden center for some recommendations. She asked about sun exposure and I told her it was sunny all day in the area. She suggested some plants that were butterfly friendly, which I was enthusiastic about. I was getting ready to plant today, when I realized that although the area I’m working on is sunny all day, the bed gets full sun only until around 12:45. Most of the perennials I bought are full sun or partial sun. There was already one oregano plant that’s been there for years. I checked the instructions on the oregano and it says full sun. It’s doing well in the area. Do you think I can plant in this area with only 3 to 3 1/2 hours of direct sun? It is very bright the rest of the day with light reflecting off of the neighbor’s white house. Some of the plants are: Monarda, Coreopsis, Purple Coneflower, Blue Fortune, Black eyed Susan and Salvia May Night. Just wanted to know before I took them out of the containers. Sorry for the length. Thanks.

Yes, they should still be fine.