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Q.Full Sun Flower

Anonymous added on May 12, 2011 | Answered

I was wondering what you would suggest to plant at a gravesite? I am looking for an annual flower that could sustain direct sun.  I have tried several flowers over the past few years at my fathers site, but have not had luck.  I have tried geraniums, but they did not work too well. Any suggestions?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 12, 2011
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Answered on May 13, 2011

Petunias are definately sunlovers. If watering is a problem you may wish to try Livingstone Daisies (Mesembrianthimum) some people call them Ice Plants. They are an annual succulant that stores moisture in little pockets on their leaves. They are more a ground cover type of plant but do really well in heat and drought types of conditions and the flowers are really bright colors. Portulaca is another suculent type of annual that also does really well in alot of heat & sun. There are many varieties of sun lovers that could do really well there but alot depends on how dependant they are on Mother Nature to look after watering needs when it gets really hot & dry. Sweet William would be lovely and it comes back every year and spreads itself out. It comes in all colors & is pretty tough with lovely nickle sized flowers that bloom in small clusters. Growth height is about 8 inches tall. It blooms here in Alberta in late may all the way through till the snow comes in late October/November. I hope this helps you out. I will try to check back here in a day or so to see if you require any more help or if you have posted any more info like watering needs, type of soil that is there etc to see if I can help you further.

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