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Fuchsia Plants

Q.Hello. Fuchsias which have grown far too well!!

Zone Cumbria, Great Britain UK | Anonymous added on September 23, 2019 | Answered

– I wonder what advice you can give me regarding my Fuchsias, which I raised from cuttings from a parent plant. They have all grown to enormous proportions and are covered in wonderful flowers – hundreds of blooms – but now, at the end of Summer here in the UK, although they are still flowering their socks off, I wonder what I should do? Should I cut all these flowering stems back? At the moment they are all producing very large, deep purple/red coloured huge berries – do these berries (seed pods) weaken the plant? Should I remove these seed pod/berries? I am reluctant to cut them back, as I will lose all these late blooms – and they look so lovely. I would be very sad to cut off all these flowers (there are many, many fresh buds developing too for future flowers). Just what do you advise please?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 25, 2019

You don't need to cut it back yet. When temperatures hover around 50 degrees you will need to bring it inside to prepare for winter dormancy, if you are overwintering, that is. When you do, you can cut it back about 1/3. You can also collect seeds to save for next spring. Here is more information:

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