Q.Fruitless Thornless “blackberry” Canes?
I live on a creek and along that creek grow what the locals call “fruitless blackberries”. These canes are also thornless! What species might they be?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It could be, though without photos it is hard for me to say. This is, totally, possible, though.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It is hard to say! It may be fruitless, simply, because it is out of native habitat. It sounds like a standard, semi-erect cultivar of Rubus, that has naturalized.
Can I add more info to my question?
PlantNet reports that the plant is probably Rubus ulmifolius Schott (Elmleaf Blackberry).
In 25 years, these plants have NEVER produced fruit, though they do flower every season. Right now, there are bees all over the flowers, and the bees do visit every year.
I am a gardening/bontany newbie...is it possible that these particular plants have "gone sterile" naturally?