Q.Fruit Trees Not Flowering
I have several varieties of disease-resistant apple and pear trees; some fruiting is as little as two years. However, I planted Enterprise and Baldwin in 2010, and still no flowers (and hence, no fruit). Enterprise had just 3 flowers this spring, but no resulting fruit. Baldwin had no flowers. Potomac pear was planted in 2013 and still no flowers. These are the varieties that have flowered and produced fruit: Candy Crisp apple, Chestnut Crab Apple, Liberty Apple, Macoun apple, Pristine apple, Williams Pride apple, Blakes Pride Pear, Honeysweet Pear, Keiffer Pear, Magness pear, Chojuro Asian pear, Korean Giant Asian Pear, Shinseiki Asian pear My space is limited, so unproductive areas are not good. I often get the urge to pull these three out and replace them with more precocious trees, but then I think, “Well. I have waited 10 years and 7 years, maybe next year it will fruit. Details: Enterprise apple on M7 Baldwin apple on MM106 Potomac pear on OHxF87 I do keep all my trees pruned to 8′ tall since I do not want to use ladders. Perhaps they do not like my pruning. I am on the fence about pulling them out and replacing them with something else or waiting. What would you do and your reasoning?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I would say, if you treat them all the same, then you may be on to something. If you would like to keep them shorter in stature, I would suggest a dwarf or semi-dwarf cultivar.
You can contact your local extension service, and they can give you a list of compatible cultivars for your area. This article will help: