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Hyacinth Plant

Q.fruit trees for a windy area

Zone Hoboken, NJ | jasmi5657 added on April 16, 2015 | Answered

I have a side garden between 2 houses, so it becomes somewhat of a wind tunnel. At least 5-10 mph above the average day’s wind. So, it can dry plants and the soil out rather quickly. I would like to plant a fruit tree and am wondering which type of fruit tree you would recommend for this area. I live in zone 6 Hoboken, NJ, but the last 2 winters have been very cold…plus the wind makes it seem more like zone 4!

Thank you

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 17, 2015

It may be best to access the growing conditions and decide if you really want to fight the elements in that part of your yard.
If you so choose to go ahead and plant fruit trees, perhaps a dwarf apple would be a good choice. You will have to plant two trees for pollination.

Staking the trees until they become established may help your trees.
Here are a few links for you. Best of luck and lets all hope for warmer weather next winter!





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