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Fruit Trees

Q.Fruit Tree disease

Zone 94806 | nwy729 added on October 8, 2016 | Answered

Can someone help me identify what the problem is with my fruit trees (see photos)? I noticed splits/cracks on the trunk a few months ago, started with my buddha hand fruit and now spread to my oranges and loquat too. I burn the affected areas but doesn’t seem to help. It’s spreading rapidly to my other trees. Any suggestions? Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 9, 2016

It looks like animals may be damaging your fruit trees. Since three different species of tree are affected, and since it looks like patches of bark have been stripped off, I don't think it is a disease issue.

I am not sure what kinds of animals are common in your area, but these articles may give you some ideas for protecting your trees:

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