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Fruit Trees

Q.Fruit Tree

Anonymous added on April 22, 2014 | Answered

There is a plant from an existing fruit tree growing about a foot away from the trunk of the tree. It is part of the tree. Is it a new tree growing that is attached to the tree or is it just growth that popped up that I should get rid of? This has happened to 3 of my fruit trees and I need to know what to do.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 23, 2014

Since this is a tree that you get fruit from, I would certainly take the sucker down as it is drawing energy from the parent tree, which will affect its fruit production, but it should not cause harm beyond that. If you remove the sucker, be sure to use sharp, clean pruners so as to reduce the chances of disease getting in the wound.

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