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Apple Trees

Q.Fruit blight

Anonymous added on June 22, 2015 | Answered

I have made trips to our country extension officer asking answers to rid my apple trees from red blotches on leaves. Farmer’s Almanack says it is cedar blight. I removed all cedar from my property and bought fungicide with copper and followed instructions as how ofter to spray. Right mixture but no such luck. Trees still have blight. Got any suggestions besides cut them all down and plant persimmon?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 23, 2015

Cedar-apple rust is a tricky disease to get rid of. It can take a year or two to get rid of it fully. The trick is to both treat with fungicide, a little more frequently than the label recommends, and to immediately clean up and destroy or dispose of (do not compost) anything that falls from the infected trees, be it leaves, fruit or branches. In the spring, make sure you start fungicide before the blossoms appear.

Here is some more information that may help as well:

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