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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Front Lawn Landscape Dilemma

DTack added on June 14, 2011 | Answered

I recently purchased a home. Well, the previous owner had a large ivy bed in the front lawn with a tree in it. We ended up cutting the tree down and I began the pain staking process of killing all of the ivy that was growing uncontained. The problem is that now I have a very large area where there is no grass growing. It looks awful. The rest of my lawn is fescue and looks good (I live in Memphis, TN). I can’t get fescue sod where I am and bermuda sod won’t grow in the shaded area anyways. I’m thinking of maybe making a raised bed there with some monkey grass or something in it. Any ideas?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert

Answered on June 14, 2011

I am from Illinois so not to sure of your weather. I would put 3ft. Perennial plants for shade around the circle not to close to the tree. Then in front of that I would plant 12" to 18" shady perennials. Not sure if there is any sun anytime of the day. Well, hope this will help you.

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