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Chinese Fringe Flowers

Q.Fringe flower plants

Zone Trappe Maryland Eastern Shore Maryland. 21673 | Anonymous added on October 28, 2016 | Answered

I was given 2 fringe flower plants that look dry and not happy. I don’t know if I should pot them and overwinter them inside my house. I normally keep my house at 64 degrees.I can also have them at my dad’s where the temperature is around 76. Where should I overwinter them best? My dad’s would have more light. Or pot them and keep outside?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 29, 2016

Loropetalum will not winter over in your growing zone.
You can move the pots indoors and allow them to go dormant. Cut the plant back if it has any dead material. Choose a cool location and water only occasionally to keep the soil from drying out completely.
Bring the plant back outdoors when the temperatures have warmed and there is no danger of frost.


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