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Zone Central coast nsw | tendyson added on April 19, 2017 | Answered

Have a frangipani that was hodden when we move in under a dense tree/bush. It has been fighting for light and leaned over. Sturdy trunk about a meter high, but only leaves at the top. We have removed the overgrown tree. But now unsure weather to leave ot ro its own devices, stake it. (It does lean badly), or wwther to cut it off the top, bit this would leave no leave ans ther is no other branxhes

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 21, 2017

I would stake the plant for now, to help ensure it does not suffer damage or break.
If you are going to transplant it to another part of the garden you will need to do some planning.
You will want to do some root pruning this season to move next season.
By taking a sharp shovel you can sever the large roots around the plant. This will then encourage the Plumeria to start to grow smaller roots in the area that will be moved.


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