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Foxtail Palm Trees

Q.Foxtail Palm

Zone Tampa, FL 33548 | jmbroverman@yahoo.com added on June 13, 2018 | Answered

I have a few foxtail palms and they got a bit of shock during a few days of freezing temperature in Tampa this past winter. Two of them are doing much better with new green fronds sprouting but not so much for another one. The middle fronds that were sprouting on this Foxtail are dead. I pulled out the clump of fronds straight from the top. The tube that they were growing from came straight out with it. there was brown wet moisture with a strong odor to the tube. The Foxtail is about 7 feet tall. My question is will this foxtail rejuvenate itself over time or pulling out the middle tube from the top means the tree is dead.

Thank you,

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 14, 2018

It doesn't sound good for survival of the palm with dead terminal growth. You could give it more time to see if it will resprout a terminal bud, but I doubt it so don't get your hopes up too much or spend money. Apply a palm fertilizer and provide adequate water.

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