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Foxtail Ferns

Q.Foxtail ferns

Zone Palo Pinto Lake, northwest Texas | Eleneandpaulondo added on December 5, 2016 | Answered

Should we trim them back and store them in the garage in the winter? We live in Northwest Texas and have successfully cared for asparagus ferns in this manner, keeping them alive and attractive for years.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 6, 2016

Foxtail fern and asparagus fern care are generally similar, so yes, this is a good plant. It is best to let the foliage die back by itself rather than cutting it when it's still green. When it turns brown you can then cut it back.

Foxtail fern will be damaged by temperatures below 20-25 degrees F, so make sure they are covered or indoors if the teperature in your garage will be below that.

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