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Foxglove Plants

Q.Foxglove leaves turning white

Zone California, zone 8b | Sonja added on July 12, 2016 | Answered

I have a foxglove in a pot on my deck which is in the shade. It gets gentle morning and late afternoon sun. It has bloomed beautifully for several months. I keep the soil moist. Lately I’ve noticed that the leaves are turning white. There is no fungus or spores or bugs. It’s just like the color is draining from the leaves. Any advice? I am unable to upload photos from my phone for some reason.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 14, 2016

This could be a nutrition issue. Foxgloves need a balanced fertilizer application once a month.

Crown rot is the most common issue with Foxgloves, but you would see yellowing leaves, not white.


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