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Foxtail Ferns

Q.Fox Tail Fern

Zone Monterey Park, CA | class9ninety9 added on June 6, 2017 | Answered

I bought 2 of those beautiful Fox Tail Ferns near the end of last year, I have both in those Terra Cotta 7″-11″ Pots…but they are not growing and it’s Summer 2017 now.

They are both in front of my Apartment front door area with both Bright and Shady light. I have watered them only on weekends and since March even watered twice during the week to figure out why they aint growing. HELP, Please Help. Other than that end result, I’ve seen in the middle of the plant – part of it dried up.

Do I need a bigger pot? Do I need to re-soil? That awesome Green color I don’t see it no more as when I bought it? I can send a pic later.

And can a unknown chemical kill it slowly (For I have bleep nozy neighbor whom I believe could be doing something to them, for I am finding spray spots on my window front glass walls/ entrance glass sliding doors). I can send a pic later.

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Answered on June 8, 2017
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