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Foxglove Plants


MaryIn added on July 17, 2012 | Answered

Do Foxglove only bloom one time? After blooming, do I need to cut the stem off? Also, is it the same with Lupine? Thanks so much for the reply!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 25, 2012

Foxgloves are biennials. The first year after they germinate, they do not flower. The second year, they flower and produce seeds, then they die. Because of this, it is best to leave the flowers on so that they can reseed themselves and you can continue to enjoy them.

Lupines are technically perennials, but they have a short lifespan of only a few years. You can remove the flowers if you want, but you may want to leave a few intact to reseed the plant when it inevitably dies.

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