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Four O’clock Flowers

Q.Four O’clocks Turning Bright Green

Zone 78108 | Mrsagers added on May 9, 2017 | Answered

I planted a few rows of four o’clocks a week apart. The first row Is blooming beautifully but now the plants are turning bright green and are not as full. The back row is starting to bloom but you can see in the picture the color and size are quite different. Are they dying? Is that just what happens when they bloom? They are full sun after about noon. I water them in the am and pm since I’m watering my new grass anyway. Could my flower bed not have been deep enough? Front row is solid colors back row is the striped. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Maree Sagers

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 10, 2017

I don't think it's simply a different plant. They look even worse today and not blooming

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Answered on May 10, 2017
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