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Bulb Care

Q.forgotten bulbs

Zone Jackson, MI 49203 | mellycatdavis added on April 30, 2016 | Answered

I live in Michigan, Zone 5. I found 3 bags of bulbs that were forgotten. They’re all sprouting. Heavenly Bluebells, Purple Drumsticks and Super Color Hyacinths. Can I save them? Can I plant them? The research I’ve done is contradictory.

Also, I have a bag of New Tiger Lilies. These are July – September bloomers. Not sure if I can plant them now.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 2, 2016

Plant them! Now! :-)
In my experience, you could probably plant the Tiger Lilies now but they may not bloom till next year (I planted some in the middle of summer a few years ago and it took until the next season to get blooms).
This article may help you:


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