Q.Foliage On Flowering Tree Being Eaten
I have a Hibiscus. I live in Vero Beach, FL. I am accustomed to bugs that eat new growth and cause flower drop, etc. This is unusual because all of the growth on the lower parts of the branches is affected. I guess it has been eaten, though I cannot find evidence. I have treated with assorted sprays and systemics. I have looked at it after dark, thinking it was something that came out then. The flower buds and top growth are fine. There are no deer here. I have inspected very closely and see no evidence of any pests. Can you help me?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It is possible that it is slugs. They will climb small trees at night to eat the first foliage they come across. You may want to try Diatomaceous Earth around the base of the tree. It will kill any bugs or slugs that crawl across it. This article will also helpwith slug control: