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Mango Trees

Q.Flowers Comes On Our Mangeo Tree , But Flower Do Not Produce Fruits , There Flowers Get Brunt And This Is Happening Here For At L

Zone 313905 | krishnajoshi6600 added on June 7, 2021 | Answered

east 7 years, why is this happening, what should we do not this, please tell us what treatment should we do &  east 7 years, why is this happening, what should we do not this, please tell us what treatment should we do

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 8, 2021

Unfortunately, your photo did not come through. Also, it is not a good idea to put your personal information out to the public. These questions are viewable by the entire world, so any information that you enter is, as well.

With that being said, I can take a guess that your mango is suffering from a bacterial or fungal infection. Depending on what kind, it may be treatable with fungicides.

Here are some articles that will help:



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