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Gum Trees

Q.Flowering Gum Leaves Turned Brown And Crispy

Zone Nsw | lisa89 added on September 10, 2021 | Answered

We recently moved house and my gum got knocked around a little. When moving to our new home I repotted it, however it started to turn brown. I pruned away the dead leaves but now it is just struggling. It is in full sun, I water it every day and give it some liquid fertiliser once a week. Help

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 13, 2021

Likely, it is being overfertilized and overwatered. The tree's soil will need to dry out down to about 3 inches, very thoroughly, between waterings. Otherwise, roots will suffocate and rot. Add overfeeding to the situation, and you have a brown, crispy plant, unfortunately.

Trees will not feed as heavily as herbaceous plants will. When in doubt, test the soil for deficiencies before feeding.

These articles will help:





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