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Bulb Care

Q.Flowering Fern (bought from Breck’s online)

Zone Hitchcock, TX Zone 9 | Anonymous added on April 7, 2018 | Answered

I received these tubers from Breck’s today, I am confused as to which way is up. On one side is the tuber and the other end has sprouts coming out of it but I don’t know if they are roots or leaves. Can you help?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 8, 2018

I'm not clear on the specific type of tuber, but if it's a corm the rounded side should face up. Small bulbs, even if planted upside down will find their way to the surface. When in doubt, plant sideways.

This article has information on ferns.
You can also contact the customer service from the company you purchased from to verify the variety and their specifics.

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