Q.Flower identification and advice
I have started a area in my garden with Red / White / Blue border.
I have 2 specific problems which are I love this red plant and want more but cannot remember it’s name, can I take cuttings for regrowth.
Also I have a load of blue flowers:- grape hyacinth, blue bells, but I need some summer flowering blues can you give me a few examples.
Thank you

I think you have a red Geum but there are many red varieties. If you do a google search for red Geum and click on Images, you'll see a list red hybrids and many, many pictures. Blue is not a common flower in nature. I can only think of several; great blue lobelia, Salvia azurea, delphinium, tall and short balloon flower, Campanula groundcovers, and peached leaved bellflower, Campanula persicifolia.