Q.Florist Gloxinia Sinningia Speciosa Perinial bulbs/tubers, where to purchase
Why can’t I find Florist Gloxinia Sinningia Speciosa Perinial bulbs/tubers anymore?
Plant Indoors
I found them easily 45 years ago but not now anymore. Last year I was sick and didn’t take good care of them and lost most of my plants and all the colors I had.
Now only find annual plants.
Can I still get these tubers/bulbs and if so where can I find it?
been looking with no success.
Thanks Barb.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The only thing I can suggest here is that you find a vendor online. There are many places that will ship anywhere in the world, as long as your plant is not blacklisted... Which I don't suspect this to be the case.