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Maple Trees

Q.Flamingo Boxelder Tree

Zone 92545 - - CA | Helen johnson added on April 22, 2017 | Answered

We have this tree in our front yard. I love the color of the tree when it first leafs out in the spring. However, it seems each year there are more and more “un-variegated” (solid green) leaves appearing. Is there some way to prevent this? I have read that they should be pruned out, but I’m not sure that is the best advice.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 26, 2017

Many variegated plants will gradually revert to a fully green form if you don't prune them carefully. The variegated parts of the plant are weaker and slower-growing than the green parts, because they don't have as much chlorophyll. This article explains more:

The best way to prevent this is to prune out all the green areas regularly. If you don't, they will eventually take over the entire tree.

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